The storms have also brought up another major issue. Since we have so much extra money lying around these days (yeah right!) something else has to go wrong.Right? Last weekend there was a big storm. The next day as I walked past the window I saw something strange. I went out to take a closer look. A huge branch off my tree had fallen down. I had been a little worried about this tree. A few branches are hanging over the neighbors roof. I knew I had to do something soon. I held my breathe every time a big storm came. This time I got lucky and it was just a warning of what could happen. The branch fell right between the houses and did not do any damage. Thank you God for looking over me that night! I knew I was no longer able to procrastinate! I got two quotes from companies to trim vs remove. (neither are cheap options). Ultimately it's too much of a liability and the tree is coming down on Monday. A huge expense I wasn't planing on, but that's life! I'll work it out somehow!
Before we decided the tree was coming down, my lovely husband decided he needed to borrow a chain saw to cut up and remove the fallen branch. Nice in theory. I just think it's hilarious that he puts off yard work as long as possible but gets up early on a Sunday to take care of the tree. Lets be honest....he just wanted to play with the chainsaw! He cut it in to pieces and yet has not removed or done anything with a single one! He also didn't get any of the other yard work done that day! But he got to play with the chainsaw! It will all get removed with the rest of the tree, thank goodness. Lets just pray that I am saving myself more money and heartache in the future by removing it now!
Here is a couple pictures to show the tree and my husband playing with power tools!